Monday, January 5, 2009

The first of many.

Can one...change?
If it is explained to you enough times, are you sure to understand it?
Is WANT enough?
Is WILL enough?

I bruised my own heart. It is not his fault. His only mistake was sharing what he felt. Which is not a mistake at all...

I have been heard.
But not loud enough.

Shall I scream? Ball my fists? Stomp my feet? Would that really make my point?


I'm not sure what bothers me more...

What was said?

Or the fact that hot, embarassing tears fell.

Vulnerability is a tricky thing. I allow myself to feel vulnerable when I feel safe.
I'm not sure how safe I feel anymore. But I can't just take the vulnerablity back.
Catch my drift?

I know its vague. Perhaps I'll be able to shed more light at a later date.

1 comment:

  1. One can certainly change! It's more likely when change is desired.

    Explanations help, and the way it's explained matters a lot. Different people learn in different ways. Of course, mere understanding isn't enough; knowledge must be converted to wisdom, and even wisdom isn't the final answer. But it sure helps.

    Want & will are often enough, but when they're not then external help is required.

    Nothing at all wrong with honest tears.

    Vulnerability is wonderful, though it's painful when wounded.

    I love you, honey!
